Frequently Asked Questions

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Currently this forum only supports YouTube videos and it is just as simple as typing or pasting the full youtube link like You will not get a preview using the editor, but it will be automatically parsed upon post or edits. Any other online video service like Vimeo, etc. will be supported soon, but for now you can just use full links for future implementation.


BlitzCoder forum uses markdown with prismjs for generating syntax hilighted code. For specific language like BlitzMax or Monkey-X, just use this as an example:

print "Hello, World"

Full options are blitzbasic, blitzmax and monkey which are all work in progress and subject for updates. There is also basic for use with generic or old school BASIC syntax. Other language syntax which are related or that can be used for code sharing or presentation will be implemented soon or upon request. You can also find updated examples or stickied post under each forum or category.


Just drag and drop your images from your desktop or file explorer window to the post or reply editor and the image will be uploaded via Imgur and a formatted link will be generated. It is that easy!


The forum in particular uses pretty dates to make it easier in checking or viewing activity or posted dates and so there is no option to set your current timezone at this time. Date and time is in UTC (aka GMT or Zulu Time).


You can do this by going to Edit Profile page (My Account top link -> Edit Profile sidebar link). Please make sure it is still no more than 20kb with the same image width and height, otherwise the upload/copy will not be successful (your other profile info will still get updated).

A nice upload image service is via Once uploaded, open the generated link in a new browser tab/window and copying the actual image url.


Just click the Quote editor icon or Ctrl + ' (single quote) shorcut key followed by the quoted text. There is currently no automated way of quoting a text so you just need to copy and paste the text that you would like to quote.

Last modified: February 06 2020 05:03:26.